Namespace Dapper.SimpleSqlBuilder.FluentBuilder
- DeleteInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- GroupByInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- HavingInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- InnerJoinInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- InsertColumnInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- InsertInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- InsertValueInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- LeftJoinInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- OrderByInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- RightJoinInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- SelectDistinctInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- SelectFromInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- SelectInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- UpdateInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- UpdateSetInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereFilterInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereOrFilterInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereOrInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereWithFilterInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- WhereWithOrFilterInterpolatedStringHandler
A handler used by the language compiler to append interpolated strings into IFluentBuilder instances.
- IDeleteBuilder
An interface that defines the delete builder type.
- IDeleteBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the delete builder entry type.
- IFetchBuilder
An interface that defines the fetch builder type.
- IFluentBuilder
An interface that defines the fluent builder type.
- IFluentSqlBuilder
An interface that defines the fluent SQL builder type.
- IGroupByBuilder
An interface that defines the group by builder type.
- IHavingBuilder
An interface that defines the having builder type.
- IInsertBuilder
An interface that defines the insert builder type.
- IInsertBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the insert builder entry type.
- IInsertValueBuilder
An interface that defines the insert value builder type.
- IJoinBuilder
An interface that defines the join builder type.
- ILimitBuilder
An interface that defines the limit builder type.
- IOffsetBuilder
An interface that defines the offset builder type.
- IOffsetRowsBuilder
An interface that defines the offset rows builder type.
- IOrderByBuilder
An interface that defines the order by builder type.
- IOrderByBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the order by entry builder type.
- ISelectBuilder
An interface that defines the select builder type.
- ISelectBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the select builder entry type.
- ISelectDistinctBuilder
An interface that defines the select distinct builder type.
- ISelectFromBuilder
An interface that defines the select from builder type.
- ISelectFromBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the select from builder entry type.
- ISimpleFluentBuilder
An interface that defines the simple fluent builder type.
- ISimpleFluentBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the simple fluent builder entry type.
- IUpdateBuilder
An interface that defines the update builder type.
- IUpdateBuilderEntry
An interface that defines the update builder type.
- IWhereBuilder
An interface that defines the where builder type.
- IWhereFilterBuilder
An interface that defines the where filter builder type.