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Where Filters (Complex filter statements)

The fluent builder supports complex filters, allowing the addition of WHERE, AND, and OR clauses with complex filter statements.


The WhereFilter method adds a WHERE filter statement enclosed in parentheses to the query. Subsequent WhereFilter method calls add an AND filter statement to the query.

The WhereFilter method can be combined with the WithFilter and WithOrFilter methods to add AND and OR filters respectively within the filter statement.

int minAge = 20;
int maxAge = 50;
int userTypeId = 4;

var builder = SimpleBuilder.CreateFluent()
    .Select($"FirstName, LastName, Age, Role")
    .WhereFilter($"Age >= {minAge}").WithFilter($"Age < {maxAge}")
    .Where($"UserTypeId = {userTypeId}");

The generated SQL will be:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Role
WHERE (Age >= @p0 AND Age < @p1) AND UserTypeId = @p2

Another example:

int minAge = 20;
int maxAge = 50;
string adminRole = "Admin";
string userRole = "User";

var builder = SimpleBuilder.CreateFluent()
    .Select($"FirstName, LastName, Age, Role")
    .WhereFilter($"Age >= {minAge}").WithFilter($"Age < {maxAge}")
    .WhereFilter($"Role = {adminRole}").WithOrFilter($"Role = {userRole}").WithOrFilter($"Role IS NULL"); 

The generated SQL will be:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Role
WHERE (Age >= @p0 AND Age < @p1) AND (Role = @p2 OR Role = @p3 OR Role IS NULL)


The OrWhereFilter method adds an OR filter statement enclosed in parentheses to the query.

The OrWhereFilter method can be combined with the WithFilter and WithOrFilter methods to add AND and OR filters respectively within the filter statement.

int userTypeId = 4;
int minAge = 30;
int maxAge = 65;
string role = "User";

var builder = SimpleBuilder.CreateFluent()
    .Select($"FirstName, LastName, Age, Role")
    .Where($"UserTypeId = {userTypeId}")
    .OrWhereFilter($"Age >= {minAge}").WithFilter($"Age < {maxAge}")
    .OrWhereFilter($"Role = {role}").WithOrFilter($"Role IS NULL");

The generated SQL will be:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Role
WHERE UserTypeId = @p0 OR (Age >= @p1 AND Age < @p2) OR (Role = @p3 OR Role IS NULL)

Another example:

int minAge = 20;
int maxAge = 50;
var roles = new [] { "Admin", "User" };
string userRole = "User";

var builder = SimpleBuilder.CreateFluent()
    .Select($"FirstName, LastName, Age, Role")
    .WhereFilter($"Role IN {roles}").WithOrFilter($"Role IS NULL")
    .OrWhereFilter($"Age >= {minAge}").WithFilter($"Age < {maxAge}")
    .OrWhere($"UserTypeId = {userTypeId}");

The generated SQL will be:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, Role
WHERE (Role IN @pc0_ OR Role IS NULL) OR (Age >= @p1 AND Age < @p2) OR UserTypeId = @p3